Steven CleghornIt’s Easier To Imagine The End Times Than The Demise of U.S. HegemonyThe following was inspired by the following post: “Israel’s Path of Peril” Simplicius on Substack Aug 26, 2024Aug 26Aug 26
Steven CleghornJoshua’s Love Is Hard As HellRecently, I shared an article with a dear friend: “Whitehead and Evolution” by John B. Cobb, Jr.Aug 221Aug 221
Steven CleghornAngels vs. Aliens—it sounds reasonable to me.I am a fan of Eric Lee’s train of thought, and I like the work he references. There is wisdom in it. Eric’s recent post on Medium, “Is…Aug 17Aug 17
Steven CleghornA Kinder, Polite, Establishment TypeUnderneath the stylized bluster of the current Republican zeitgeist, it’s business as usual, and if their guy gets reelected, things will…Jul 19Jul 19
Steven CleghornI Know You Are But What Am I? — COSPOLOWhat we really should be concerned about is that one of them is going to win.Jul 8Jul 8
Steven CleghornWhere Are All The Peacemakers? — COSPOLONScriptures: Matthew 5:9 Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers because God will make them sons of God” (Matt. 5:9).Jun 15Jun 15
Steven CleghornLeaders Producing New Kinds of Leaders — COSPOLONThe following was inspired by a conversation I listened to from the Planet Critical podcast titled “The Thermal Dynamics of Degrowth.”May 24May 24
Steven CleghornRed, White, and Blue Blood — COSPOLONThe United States needs dozens more brave people like Hala Rharrit — she is an American hero.May 4May 4
Steven CleghornThe Moon At The Top Of The List — COSPOLONI am a big fan of The Gurometer. I actually appreciate some of the people on the list above—Nassim Taleb and, of course, Carl Sagan.Apr 15Apr 15