"Hey, Egregorgeous!" When you know precisely how to think about all of this shyte and your Egregor is Meme Spirited.

Steven Cleghorn
6 min readMar 3, 2022

I read a thing that I found in my holy email inbox from Jamie Wheal. The title of the piece is really cool: Schizo Black Magic And The Canadian Truckers. There is a hyperlink to an article all about these egregores in Jamie's piece. “Memespace Egregores and Maajid Nawaz” by Handwaving Freakoutery is essential reading as it will update your thinking from a Popperian Open Society and its Enemies way of thinking to a more post, post-everything way of thinking that is truly empowering.

Chapter 1

Only a tiny percent can afford luxyuri goods and they have plenty of money to buy them. (DO NOT BUY TOE SURGERY you bleeding dopey pleb, even if you think it will jack up the number of your TikTok followers.) I venerate the rich so very much. It breaks my heart when the robots go on strike and can’t build the real handcrafted important stuff that they need for signaling. I shed tears and it feels good, damn it!

In that Eastern, there is so much trouble with the Dumbass that I had to Crymea river, and I don’t like that!

Putin is so darn crazy, insane, nutballs that he simply has to dust off and press someone’s button. I mean he is not a rational actor, in fact, he’s a bad actor and therefore not in Bollywood where he belongs. His having been snubbed by Bollywood made that narrow-eyed St. Petersburg husky mad as a Hatter. He’s hurt, I know he’s hurt because I saw an interview, The Putin Files: Masha Gessen, it’s all there. The man is traumatized, and traumatized men get toxic masculinity and become very dangerous.

Vengeance is mine saith the spurned Vlad actor who can’t vender ism anymore on the global stage signifying something super great again.

Now before I fall out with the Westward winds from Easter bam bams and puke-a-lot while my skin melts, I’m going to go outside and yell Bad Scene, Bad Scene really loud and repeatedly until people think I am yelling vaccine, vaccine, vaccine!!!

Putin will fall out with the whole world and solve global warming with nuclear winter and kill Greta way before she is 50. The climate truthers will be happy to know this.

Have you heard of Lux Yuri Guds? He’s a really nasty Russian gangster who has Siberian gulag prison tattoos under his skin so you can’t see them and some invisible ink tattoos on his face that you need special meta-goggles to see — 3D. He has all of google’s employees’ credit card numbers on his darker web. It’s so dark it absorbs all the light like the black hole Trump was in when he visited Moscow. And with those card numbers, he’s going to buy all the yachts and real estate that Uncle nicked off of the Olly Arks from fake FBI auctions to the lowest bidder. Bidders like Trump and New Face Putin who will shack up at Mar-a-Lago and train in MMA with Colby Ray Covington so he can win the next war in the octaverse.

Everything should all make more than cents now.

Chapter 2

A big chunk of Taiwan’s Internet has been hit…here come the Celestials…the people of Iran can rest easy Joe and Bamma has their backs … Das world will finally believe that the Err-Ranians don’t have any meltdown sticks and are free to sell their oil and gas to the whitest bidder with full and transparent price discovery gestured over various global institutions with a magic hand in the sign of the true cross.

(No Icons, it’s not about which orthodox is the most orthodox and NO Carl Icahn, because, believe it or not, it’s not about the money.)

The most IMPORTANT THING (my emphasis) is that the stock I hold in MIC-related businesses goes up and I can cash in on my stressed assets in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Of course, I hope that the Celestials can finally be reeducated about De Mock Assy and live free, libertarian lives with lots of handguns and pink assault rifles, very woke and poly correct, and get rid of their concubines in favor of sex robots made in Kalifornia and U-Porn A.I. chatbots made in Russian toll troll farms. (The Middle Kingdom is a Kingdom for a reason.) It is also impotent that they find parity with Japlander demographics, eschew marriage, and have less than one-half child per nonexistent gender-fluid couple—aging gracefully eating KinTuklee Fried food and drinking sugar water while taking new science medications so they can die of metabolic syndrome at a ripe, full-bodied, well-aged 80 something.

An Aside

[Bigly is dead and Absurdly is now running for office, Jack! Now slap that stinky missile with your pretty chapeau.]

Chapter 3

It’s fun reading smart-articles on your smart-phone, and it’s important to have fun when we are going to solve global warming with nuclear winter just in order to shut Greta up and the bad scientists who program her and use her to make people feel guilty about their monster trucks and their freedom. In the face of that kind of evil, we need to have fun reading fun posts that fun with our intellects diminished by THE Egredore.

It’s critical to be aware that we can’t drink vodka every day because it burns out the vodka receptor in the brain which makes you vodka tolerant and spoils the fun of drinking vodka. So when you are on your forty-day vodka fast, you have to read even more fun posts. Do you feel me? This is old school, I know, but boomers don’t always get stimulated the way the Gen-Z people do with all of the fun apps and games on the devices they buy every 1.52 years.

I know, it’s a mystery how they can afford that stuff with their Nomad-GIG salaries and the meager UBI tokens they use on their phones to buy virtual real estate. But somehow the MMT that undergirds their social credit scores and adds to their WeCash stash helps them squeak by. It’s a wonder. And it helps when we have lab-grown food to give us the energy to do practically nothing. I’m amazed.

Life is actually impossible. It hasn’t been possible since 2003, but it’s impossible to know it’s impossible so people still believe it’s possible and that is so disappointing that it breaks people and they become apathetic in an outrageous way which outrages people.

The cycle is not nice.

If people only knew like we used to know, that gelato is really, really good, things could be a lot better in the world. Sometimes I think people forgot how five sensual things could be. Sad. Very sad.


And then my friend Mattcheesemo sent me this:

I was thinking the other day about how tired I am lately on a thinking level. It is tough to not be distracted. Then I laughed because I remembered Madeline Kahn’s Lily Von Schtupp. I watched it, then went on with my day without any media for a while.

I had to let him know in no uncertain terms that I love her so much. I love her more than anyone, more than you. Make no mistake, my love is honest and abiding and deep and sincere and spiritual, and it will outlast the universe. And I said to Matcheesemo: See, if you didn’t get “it,” you would not have known that the perfect thing to do was send that clip from that particular movie at this specific time. It proves everything I’ve been saying today.

And I just learned what an “Egregore” is. I’d never heard that word before. It’s fitting. I’m already coining shirts and bumper stickers in my head with this new word. “My Egregore is meme spirited”. “Al Gore was our Egregore”. “Hey Egregorgeous!”

I’m already making an NFT out of jpegs of those t-shirts and I am definitely going to order those t-shirts even though I was thinking about conserving water for Lent. They are all messages one could easily use to signal one’s pride at “The Knowing.” Great sayings on different shades of gray t-shirts. I luv, luv, luv it!

Then I snapped back to my senses and away from this perfect fantasy and thought: These days there are only anti-heroes and they are all villains and they always get killed by the supervillain. I don’t know why I thought that. It must have been THE Egregore. I hope you understand this.

***I know tired like nobody’s business.



Steven Cleghorn

I'm an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur, and a former producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong. I founded Globe Hackers Multimedia Ltd.